

If you are reading this, then lighting is important enough to your project that you need to hire a lighting designer. NYC has more lighting designers than any other city. Take advantage of this and find one today from our list of the city’s best by viewing their recent award winning projects.

ScoreBoard Method:

Our list is based on an estimation of how many awards each firm has won based on the annual Lumen Awards in NYC (51 years running.) These numbers are rough as awards can be shared and move. All members of the DLFNY will then be listed, and then any firm that requests a spot is listed.



Have a project that was specified a while back and you want to make sure that the products are still the current generation? We offer a service where an LC of the NCQLP will review your fixture schedule and let you know about problems before they are discovered in the field.


We check lighting sources, drivers, and accessories to ensure that the specification that you received is the latest. If you order last year’s version you will likely still get fixtures, you will just pay a premium for them. Ask for the latest parts and save money.